Varices et Chirurgie par le Docteur Gorny

General  information 

To contact Dr Gorny
Un chirurgien avec une longue expérience des maladies veineuses Consultations et soins phlébologiques Bilan et décision opératoire Une clinique dotée d'équipements de pointe Intervention Visite post-opératoire et résultats

A surgeon with a long experience of venous diseases

Consultation and vein medical treatment centre

Assessment and decision to undergo surgery

A surgical centre with the best facilities and equipment

Operating Room
Surgical procedure

Postoperative visit and Results


• Nothing replaces the consultation on the spot with Dr.Gorny in Paris.
• If you cannot come to Paris for a preliminary examination at least two direct telephone consultations with him are required:
- the first for a general study of the case,
- the second for a detailed study, after transmission by email or by mail, of certain medical documents requested by the doctor (digital camera photos of the legs, duplex scanning, etc.)

A decision to operate or not will be the result of clinical, functional, and ultrasonic assessments and of a group discussion between the patient and our medico-surgical team (including the phlebologist, the sometimes attending practitioner, the surgeon, and the anaesthesiologist).

The visit (when possible) with Dr. Gorny is obviously important. His consultations last between 30 and 40 minutes.  If everything seems right to make an appointment for an operation, the preoperative assessment of the patient will then comprise 4 steps, which will require the provision (or sending) of 4 documents:

Marquage préopératoire
  • Purchase of bandages at the pharmacy (which are self-adhesive and that are placed by us in the operating room at the end of the surgical procedure).

  • Blood test for standard biological examination.

  • An anaesthesia consultation is in conformity with current French law and is imperative. If done in Paris, this consultation must take place between the day of the consultation with the surgeon and 48 hours before the operation. Otherwise an anaesthetist in the area, the city or in the country of origin of the patient can be consulted.

  • Dr. Chahine carries out preparatory pre-operative marking of the veins in our office, the day before (or the very same day) of the operation. It is a drawing made with the felt-tip pen on the limb, which locates all the veins to be treated, their visible and invisible paths, and their anomalies. This approach allows the surgeon to :
    – Omit nothing
    – To be informed about a surprising or abnormal anatomic condition
    – To be extremely precise making incisions, therefore with a special emphasis on the "cosmetic" aspect.


In addition to these documents, Dr. Gorny gives patients an estimate with a quotation for the operation and the expenses involved (see tariffs).
The payment of the fees is carried out at the time or when the patient leaves the care centre.